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Welcome to the SCALE-UP Library.
In our Library, you can find any and all materials you might need or be interested in relating to the SCALE-UP Project. Following an open data sharing approach, we render all of our deliverables accessible for free to you. Here you can find communication materials such as brochures, posters, videos and flyers as well as pieces of news such as press articles and research deliverables such as papers, publications or event proceedings. Once they have been published, we upload them to grant you quick and easy access.
SCALE-UP consortium partners have access to a comprehensive Community of Practice - a platform to exchange, plan and collaborate on. Authorised partners can access the platform by following the button below:
The SCALE-UP archive comprises of all dissemination materials and a dedicated section to all newsletter editions.
SCALE-UP Media Corner.
Any media coverage concerning the SCALE-UP project or its’ activities is gathered here, including news articles from various magazines or broadcasting on multimedia platforms.
From gas to green: Madrid’s progressive urban transportation shift (Intelligent Transport, 25/01/2024)
Electric shared bikes in Antwerp Transport Region from 2022
(Smart Ways to Antwerp, 07/07/2021)
The park-and-ride trial made it easier for drivers to attend The Tall Ships Races 2024 event
(City of Turku, 25/07/2024)
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